Learning Mitosis and Meiosis

photo of DNA

We will be exploring eighth grade level mitosis and meiosis on this site, learning by doing labs and choice-based projects.

There are two main pages, Mitosis and Meiosis. Each page has its own project and lab. You will take your online assessments and do group (more than two students) peer activities in Google Classroom.


  • To navigate this site, you can click on the “Mitosis Lab” link (third bullet point below). Each page has a hyperlink leading to the next part of the unit. There are also links to each section at the navigation menus on the top right and right side of every website page.
  • Workflow: The first week of the Mitosis unit was completed in Google Classroom. The Mitosis Lab and Mitosis Project will be completed via WordPress for the second week of the Mitosis unit. The same applies for Meiosis (one week doing Google Classroom activities and one week doing the Meiosis Lab and Meiosis Project using the WordPress resources).
  • Your first step is to go to the Mitosis Lab.


The Core Ideas (from https://www.nextgenscience.org/topic-arrangement/msgrowth-development-and-reproduction-organisms )

LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms

LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits

LS3.B: Variation of Traits