- Now that you have your Handout completed, use that as your reference to create a cartoon strip that shows the phases and the main features of each phase. It can be serious or funny, as long as your facts are correct.
- Craftsmanship and clarity count!
- You have three class periods to complete your cartoon.
Option 1: If you want to hand draw your cartoon, you will need to draw panels. The basics are covered in this brief video (but for this project, plan on six to twelve panels)-https://www.metmuseum.org/metmedia/video/metkids/metkids-create/draw-and-ink-comic-panels
Option 2: If you want to create your cartoon using Google Slides, you can find templates here, and the instructions are below (video from Byrne, Richard, “How to Create Comic Strips in Google Slides”, Google Tutorials playlist,You Tube):
The rubric for the Mitosis Project Cartoon is below (9 points maximum):
- The cartoon explains all stages of Mitosis clearly 3/3 points
- The cartoon shows attention to detail 3/3 points
- The cartoon has 10 or more panels 3/3 points
- The cartoon explains most stages of Mitosis clearly 2/3 points
- The cartoon shows some attention to detail 2/3 points
- The cartoon has at least 6 panels 2/3 points
- The cartoon does not explain the stages of Mitosis clearly 1/3 points
- The cartoon lacks attention to detail 1/3 points
- The cartoon has 4-5 panels 1/3 points