Mitosis Project: Newscast

  1. To start, you will need to chose a partner.
  2. Together, you will write a script reporting on the stages of mitosis. Try to make it engaging as well as informative.
  3. Work from your completed Handout, using that as your reference to create a newscast that shows the phases and the main features of each phase. It can be serious or funny, as long as your facts are correct.
  4. Plan for the recording device, you will need to be sure your device has video recording capabilities (most phones do, but not all laptops do).
  5. Be sure to check with your teacher before bringing your own device to class.
  6. Practice reading your script before recording, keeping track of timing, pronunciation, and flow. If you are the first speaker, add a transition phrase, like “And now, Chris will discuss the last two stages of mitosis and its importance…”
  7. Both of you take turns reading half of the script and running the recording device. Do a quick soundcheck before recording.
  8. Try to keep it under 6 minutes.
Video production Icon

The rubric for the Mitosis Project Newscast is below (9 points maximum):


  •  The newscast explains all stages of Mitosis clearly 3/3 points
  •  The newscast shows attention to detail 3/3 points
  •  The newscast has at least two visual and is 4-6 minutes long 3/3 points


  • The newscast explains most stages of Mitosis clearly 2/3 points
  • The newscast shows some attention to detail 2/3 points
  • The newscast has at least one visual and is 3-4 minutes long 2/3 points


  • The newscast does not explain the stages of Mitosis clearly 1/3 points
  • The newscast lacks attention to detail 1/3 points
  • The newscast does not have any visuals and is less than 3 minutes long 1/3 points